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Welcome to our Student Spotlight.
Want a lesson on how you can overcome crazy obstacles with sheer determination and a clear picture of where you want to be? This is your MUST READ today!
Meet Brogan Lee, owner of Bees Beauty Bar, a commercial salon in Narooma, NSW. She is trained in Lash Extensions, offering Classic, Hybrid and Volume Lashes, plus brow waxing and tinting and nails. Brogan studied online with Enchanted Beauty Institute. We asked her a series of questions so you could hear her story.

Q1. What is your USP (Unique Selling Point)?
I offer a one on one service for lashes, brows and nails, with great products, proper training and an eye for detail. At Bees Beauty Bar you’ll always walk out feeling happy and confident!
Bees Beauty Bar
Q2. Tell us about your life, before you started this journey, why you chose this pathway, how it’s changed you and your relationships?
Before I furthered my lash training with Enchanted, I was working at a local salon doing hair and beauty. I was on maternity leave with my second daughter and wanting to take my career further and do more for myself and my family. I was only working 2 days a week and the time away from my kids and the wage that I was earning just didn’t seem worth it.
Kelly opened my eyes with how much potential I had and what I could be doing for myself. I was unsure what course I wanted to do, as having small kids it does make it hard to travel away from them, but the flexibility of training online with Enchanted was so perfect. I loved the idea of being able to further my skills and still be at home with my kids. Haven’t looked back a day since my training. I’m now running my own business, my own salon in a shop front, which I honestly didn’t think that I would have anytime in the future. I didn’t think that I was good enough or had the skills. But now look at what I have achieved.
Q3. How long have you been in beauty?
I’ve been doing beauty for about 10 years now.
Q4. What made you choose lashes or brows?
I just love what a difference lashes and brows make to someone and the confidence boost it gives you. I love how the industry is always changing and there’s always something to learn. Its different on every client you do. Its never boring.
Q5. Tell us about your journey?
I first started doing lashes in 2014. I went somewhere where you could go and do a half day course and call yourself qualified! OMG! But I always had a passion for it, and I started doing them 99% of the time in the salon where I was working. I was happy to be the main artist because I loved it.
I always wanted to update my skills. It was when I was on maternity leave with my daughter that I really started thinking about what I could be doing to update my skills while I was home with her, to really kick butt when I was back in the work force. The lash world is ever changing and oh boy am I glad I did (update my skills)! How much it had all changed in those few years is crazy!
Q6. Tell me about your working week, do you have a life balance?
My work week probably seems a little chaotic at the moment as I’m still navigating single parenting and my new shop. But now that my oldest has started kindergarten we are getting back in the swing of things. I operate on a fortnightly roster. Monday to Wednesday I work 9-2.30, Thursdays 9-late, Friday late and Saturday 8.30-2. Every second Friday and Saturday I don’t work as they are my weekends with my girls and I choose not to work. This is the benefit of owning your own business. I can have the flexibility to have this time off.
Q7. What inspires you when lashing?
A lot inspires me about lashing. Mostly how it’s a field that is getting bigger and bigger and everyone is supporting one another. It’s not about who’s better then who, but who can support who, encouraging each other to be the best version of themselves and know their worth.
Q8. Who inspires you?
I’ve got quite a few people who inspire me. Some I know from doing my training, others are those people who surround me. They inspire me not only because of the lash work that they do, but of the way they encourage everyone around them, whether its with their training, everyday work life or supporting a local business. There would just be too many people to list here!
Q9. Have you had to overcome anything with your business?
It’s actually been a bit of a rough year for my business. First we had the bushfires, which meant closing my salon for a few weeks at the busiest time of the year. I was working from home originally and then my landlords decided that they wanted to move back in. So this left me needing to find a new home and work space.
Then Coronavirus hit and my partner of 8 years and I split. Because of the bushfires and how many people lost their homes, rentals were very hard to come by and by the time COVID restrictions eased I still hadn’t found a rental. So I put my big girl pants on and approached a very well known local salon to ask if they would be happy to rent out a room to me and they were! I was so stoked.
I moved into my salon space at the Hair Room at the start of June last year and on the 27th of September the unthinkable happened… a fire! The salon was completely destroyed, along with a clothing shop next door and damage to the hardware store and bank. They still have not been able to open back up yet.
I completely lost my business and I was just at an absolute loss. I was so defeated. Not only for what I had lost, but for the girls I worked with as they had lost everything as well. There were 6 working in the salon who were left with nothing and no jobs, after finally just getting back on their feet due to the bushfires and COVID-19. What a disaster.
After feeling sorry for myself for a few weeks, I knew I had to get myself back up and get back on my feet. Not just because I needed to make an income again, but I have 2 little girls watching me and I didn’t want them to see their mum just give up when times were hard. So when one of the girls from the Hair Room messaged me saying she just rented a room to set herself back up and start her own business in this little arcade and there was a vacant space directly across from her that would be perfect for me, I jumped at it straight away. It WAS perfect!
With a bit of renovation and a lot of help from some amazing people, we set my shop up exactly the way that I had imagined! I was able to reopen at the start of December 2020, just in time for our little town to be super crazy. I have been super lucky and have been so busy with just locals that I wouldn’t have had any time to take any tourists if life had been normal. How amazing is that!

So its been a really rough year, but look at where I am now and what I have achieved! Here I was thinking I would just work from home forever and now I own Bees Beauty Bar, my own salon!!!! AMAZING!! Everything happens for a reason, so just hang in there, as hard as times may get, they will get better in the end.
Q10. Are your family supportive of the work that you do? Did anyone tell you that you can’t do this or shouldn’t do this?
My family are super supportive and are so proud of what I have achieved after what I have been through. I hope one day I might inspire them that they can do anything.
Q11. What advice can you give people thinking of starting a career in eye design?
Do it!!! I’m encouraging anyone that I can to do this as a career! You will never look back, financially, flexibility, the confidence. It’s the best thing you’ll ever do. It helped me realise my worth. But one tip – people can take advantage of you if you let them, it definitely opens your eyes to who is there to stand behind you and support you to be the best that you can be.
Q12. Anything else you think may be interesting or you think the world should know about you?
I’m a single mum trying to carve out a good life for my girls and I.
Q13. Did you ever think you could achieve what you have? What achievement are you most proud of?
NEVER! What the! Here I was thinking I was happy to just work for someone else and from home forever. I never could have imagined I’d be where I am today.
Q15. Do you believe in yourself that you can achieve more?
Definitely! After what I’ve overcome in the last year! Nothing can stop me now!
Q16. When you hear the words Enchanted Beauty Institute, what do you think of? Would you recommend other women to train here?
100% would recommend to other women! What a game changer. I’ve told so many women who come to me to have their lashes done who have thought of doing lash training to look you guys up! You guys are amazing! So helpful and so uplifting! What a blessing that I found you guys! I couldn’t imagine what I would be doing right now if I didn’t have that zoom chat with Kelly!
From Kelly Harris, CEO Enchanted Beauty Institute:
Brogan is amazing. She committed to building her dream right from the start and through her talent and determination, she established herself as a great artist and business woman in her community. How strong is this woman! Brogan, you are independent, confident and in control of your life because you chose to make the change that led you to where you are now and you earned it. You’ve positioned yourself to be there to support your girls financially and emotionally and are building the life you love. I’m so happy for your achievements. You are already inspiring others, and more will be inspired by you after reading your story. The Enchanted Team is super proud of you – Kelly xx
To check out more of Brogan’s amazing work or to book a service at Bees Beauty Bar, head to: