Welcome to our Student Spotlight.
We are excited to bring to you this month the beautiful and vivacious Kimberly Glossop of Gloss Lash Lounge

Kimberly Glossop, Founder and Owner of Gloss Lash Lounge in Mandurah, WA has an amazing story to tell. She is one of those people that you meet and immediately you are attracted to her positive energy straight away. She has built her business into the leading eyelash specialists in her area. Offering a customised service for extensions and lash lifts.
Kimberly’s business ethos centers on her clients……read on and discover how many of you can make your dreams come true just as Kimberly has.
Q1. What is your USP (Unique Selling Point)?
Creating the perfect environment for our clients to enjoy a quality service is the highest priority of ours. It’s imperative to appreciate that you’ve been chosen and trusted, in a market where there are countless options at the click of a finger. We understand that their time is valuable and we aim to make their experience more than just an appointment but a pocket of sanctuary in their schedule. This may be once a fortnight/month where they give themselves the time to relax, be taken care of and leave feeling fresh and pretty. Our staff understand that building relationships with clients will ensure we can meet their expectations, keep communication open and gives us the chance to educate.

Q2. Tell us about your life, before you started this journey, why you chose this pathway, how it’s changed you and your relationships?
My journey started when I got lash extensions for the first time myself. I was instantly hooked and curious. I wanted to know how everything worked so I began researching. My two kids were both at full time school that year. I wanted to be able to find a job that could work around our schedule, so I could still be there for them. Previously I worked as a wedding coordinator for a hotel before leaving to be a makeup artist on weekends, as that fitted better with my young family at the time. I lashed from home for 18 months before it started encroaching on my personal life. I would work while my kids were at school and had started saying yes to night time clients once I had put them to bed. It wasn’t until the night my son fell asleep at my feet while I was working and he said, “Mum, when are you going to have a night you don’t have clients?”, then I knew I had to make some changes.
I rented a room at a makeup studio and loved leaving the house, separating work from home. I was really happy doing my thing, watching my business flourish and loving my work. Things took off really quickly and in 6 months I had raised my prices and was turning down a lot of business. I worked back to back to fit everyone in and quickly realized I couldn’t continue doing that. So I made a huge leap and took on an employee 1-2 days a week to trial it out. I really feel the universe was constantly lining opportunities up for me and I was being propelled forward at a slightly uncomfortable but exhilarating rate.

Literally a few months later a girl I followed on insta shared that she was moving from her commercial studio to a home space and I felt another opportunity was being waved in front of me. I’m not saying to sit back and wait for things to come to you…quite the opposite. You’ve gotta be open, looking and willing. This space was …perfection! I went and looked at it weeks before she even moved out, contacted the real estate agent direct. I deliberated for a good 10 weeks before signing the contract. Nothing made me more scared, I was sooo god damn frightened of failure and to be honest I didn’t think I was ready financially or mentally. If it wasn’t for a phone call or two with Kelly I don’t think I would have taken the leap. I remember her saying to me, “So what if it doesn’t work out, the worst thing that will happen is you’ll be back where you are now.”
It was then that I started to research and develop a strong mindset. Brene Browns books, talks and quotes inspire me greatly. Here is one she quotes from Theodore Roosevelt:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Brene goes on to say, ‘if you’re not in the Arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.”
So I took a massive step and opened my own Commercial Space, rebranding (Gloss Lash Lounge was born) and going on to hire 2 more staff members. I closed my books to new clients 18 months ago when I moved into the new space and now concentrate my efforts on building the business.
Q3. Are your family supportive of the work that you do? Did anyone tell you that you can’t do this or shouldn’t do this?
Which brings me to relationships and did my family and friends support me? The first year was hard. It felt like everyday was a mountain to climb and something went wrong… from fire alarms going off with clients laying on beds with closed eyes and learning to be everything a business needs with little to no training. You are now HR, an accountant, a counsellor, a lawyer, a handyman, a leader….where does mum, friend, daughter, sister come into it? And I haven’t even mentioned you, as an individual, where does it all fit. The first year I constantly turned down invitations to social events because I was so focused, driven and exhausted with the business. I was on a roll and I had to ride the wave. I remember messaging my friends and thanking them for not forgetting me. Business really is like having a new baby and if you haven’t been through it you just…don’t…get…it. My family struggled to understand why I wasn’t available as much as I was previously and I tried my best to explain that at the end of the day I was doing my best to look after myself because my kids needed me and for now, these were my priorities. I never thought I’d be where I am today, I never dreamt it. But it’s the most magical thing to truly believe that no one will ever be prouder of me than I am of myself and that’s what keeps you going.
Q4. Who inspires you?
Having someone like Kelly who does get it and back’s you up is a gift and a crucial part of my story. She has inspired me to be that person for others as well. If I can light a fire under just one person than I will be immensely satisfied.
Q5. What advice can you give people thinking of starting a career in eye design?
There’s always going to parts or times in your business when you’re not loving every moment but as long as you hold onto those parts that do light you up, you’ll get through. For me it’s the connection and conversations I have with my clients. I feel genuine happiness hearing my staff members laugh and joke during their appointments and then go on to have a nap(them not us, though wouldn’t that be the ultimate.) When I see it on my girls faces that they are loving what they do and what they are achieving themselves, I know I’m doing my job right. I have multiple huge plans and when I look back on the last few years I am nothing but invigorated, determined and excited about where the next few will take me.
‘The Bossbabe’ podacast has been a huge inspiration for me and I believe in their mantra;
Be Unapologetically Ambitious
From Kelly Harris, CEO Enchanted Beauty Institute:
Kimberley is a people’s person. So once her business was running at full capacity for the hours she could commit she took the next natural leap. I am so proud of Kimberly and that she believed in herself…..and look at her now. She has created the perfect work/life balance, she is an amazing mum and has her own successful commercial salon. Your journey only ends when you want it to. I can’t wait to see where your path keeps heading Kimberly and we are always here to help and share with you as a Lash Sister. Your staff are so lucky to have you in their corner – Kelly xx
To check out more of Kimberly’s amazing work or to book a service with her, head to: