Welcome to our Student Spotlight.
We are excited to bring to you our first spotlight of the year! Are you ready to be inspired into 2021!

The beautiful Marianne Cornish is owner/operator of MLuxe Lash & Brow Collective. She offers a one stop shop for lash and brow services including lash extensions, lash lifts, henna brows, lash/brow tinting and complete eye makeovers. You can organise a free consultation prior to your first appointment for Marianne to discuss the best service option for you.
We asked Marianne if she could share with you a little more about her journey and she did! Read on…
Q1. What is your USP (Unique Selling Point)?
Before I decided on a salon style/setting I spent time researching and asked people what they wanted from a salon. The response included fantastic customer service, a large range of services, a “1 stop salon” where clients could receive all of their lash and brow treatments. Overwhelmingly, most clients came back with the same response. They wanted a salon that didn’t make them feel intimidated, where they felt comfortable with their surrounding environment yet still wanted to feel special and that they would receive a total pampering session.
MLuxe Lash & Brow Collective provides all of this and more. We realise that most people lead very busy lives and are time poor, and for some, visiting a salon was the only “me time” they could manage away from work/families/commitments etc. We let all of our clients know to arrive at their appointment as comfortable as possible. For some this means wearing their finest clothes, for others this can mean wearing your pyjamas and bringing your own playlist. Whatever “Luxe” means to our clients, then that’s what we will provide without judgement. It’s all about relaxing and pampering at MLuxe Lash & Brow Collective.
MLuxe Lash & Brow Collective
Q2. Tell us about your life, before you started this journey, why you chose this pathway, how it’s changed you and your relationships?
Life for me prior to embarking on this career path was vastly different. I’m a wife and mum to 3 children ranging from 6-16yrs. My husband works away for 6 months of the year so life has always been hectic trying to juggle family, work, social life etc. I wanted to spend more quality time with my family as our dynamic is very different to other families. Even though I love working and have a very strong work ethic, I felt guilty about leaving my children to go to work when they already missed out on having their dad around for most of the time.
Starting my career in this industry has been the best decision I’ve ever made, not only for my own job satisfaction, but also in creating the work/life balance that was missing from our lives. I choose the hours I work (while the children are at school and in the evenings when they are asleep) I can attend my children’s school activities, watch them play sports on weekends and choose not to work a full week when my husband returns home so we can spend our time together. My relationship with my family now is so different. I’m not always rushing, unavailable, tense and generally grumpy! The change in our family dynamic is probably the most satisfying thing about my lash and brow journey. I wish I’d made the decision years ago.
Q3. How long have you been in beauty?
I have been in the lash/brow industry for 2 years.
Q4. What made you choose lashes or brows?
The two things I always notice when someone walks into a room are their smile and their eyes. I just love the transformation when you create a perfect brow or amazing set of lashes that can completely change someone’s whole demeanor. The confidence that it can bring to someone is amazing.
Q5. Tell us about your journey?
I completed a Diploma in Beauty Therapy and massage over 20 years ago. I became very unwell upon completion of the course so I never got the opportunity to put my Diploma to use. I’ve always loved this industry and knew that one day I would come back to it in a similar capacity. Lashes and Brows seemed very on trend at the time I started in this industry, but I never imagined how much impact it would have on the whole beauty industry, or myself for that matter.
Q6. Tell me about your working week, do you have a life balance?
Even though I create my working week and set my own hours, I do find it difficult to switch off sometimes. Whether it’s ongoing training, sourcing new products, bookkeeping, networking… I just love everything that this industry has to offer and the opportunities that are available if you’re willing to work for it. I do need to remind myself why I chose this career though and always make sure to have 2-3 days off per week to spend with my family.
Q7. What inspires you when lashing?
I’ve always been a firm believer in if you’re going to do something, then make sure you do it well! I’m always inspired by people’s determination and grit to achieve their goals and follow one’s passion. You don’t need to be famous or perfect at what you do, just do it well. Now that’s always inspiring!
Q8. Who inspires you?
I’m inspired by so many people. Someone who has the courage to go out on a limb and not give a shit what anyone thinks is inspiring to me. Who has overcome difficult obstacles but dosn’t make excuses and achieves amazing things, that’s incredibly inspiring. Someone who continues to uplift and support someone else, especially in their chosen field who some might say is a rival or threat, is damn inspiring. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet many of these incredible women, and that inspires the hell out of me!
Q9. Have you had to overcome anything with your business?
I think the biggest thing I’ve had to overcome in this industry is my fear of the unknown. Am I good enough? What if I fail? What am I doing wrong? I’m quite a confident person but I was petrified of failure. I soon realised that I was already ahead of those who chose not to start in the first place.
Q10. Are your family supportive of the work that you do? Did anyone tell you that you can’t do this or shouldn’t do this?
My family have been so incredibly supportive of my chosen career. I did receive criticism from some people though. I was told that I was “too old” for this industry, that it’s a saturated industry and you’ll never succeed. Most of these people are still too afraid to realise their own potential and try something that makes them truly happy. Maybe if they did they wouldn’t have felt the need to comment or judge my decision.
Q11. What advice can you give people thinking of starting a career in eye design?
Just do it! You can only fail if you don’t try in the first place.
Q12. Anything funny, embarrassing or interesting ever happen to you while working on a client?
I still laugh when client’s tell me there’s no way they can relax and fall asleep during treatment. They’re usually snoring within 5 minutes.
Q13. Anything else you think may be interesting or you think the world should know about you?
I’m obsessed with coffee, miniature Christmas villages and peeling an orange to perfection! Seriously, it takes me 30 minutes to make sure all of the pith is gone before I can eat it!
Q14. Did you ever think you could achieve what you have? What achievement are you most proud of?
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could achieve what I have so far. I’m a firm believer in pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. So I decided to enter my first lash competition when I had been volume trained for 3 months. I won that competition, and 12 other trophies in the 6 months that have followed (7 are still in transit…..damn you covid!!!).
Q15. Do you believe in yourself that you can achieve more? What would those goals be?
This is just the beginning. There are so many goals I want to achieve, I have plans for my next steps. In the meantime, I want to continue doing what I love everyday.
Q16. When you hear the words Enchanted Beauty Institute, what do you think of? Would you recommend other women to train here?
Enchanted Beauty Institute means so much to me. It’s where I not only learned my skills, but also how powerful women in this industry can be. It really is an institution in creating skills, turning them into reality and empowering and encouraging women to be all that they can be, and more. I can’t recommend the training and support enough. All of the team at Enchanted really do go above and beyond in providing the best training, industry knowledge and ongoing support for their students. I know I wouldn’t have achieved all that I have to this day if it wasn’t for the Enchanted team, and I will be forever grateful to them all.
From Kelly Harris, CEO Enchanted Beauty Institute:
I am so proud of Marianne, she has achieved so much and deserves every single trophy she even won another 3 before we had time to put the blog up !!! When we first spoke about her entering comps, I knew she would kill it! I have loved watching every step of her lash journey and can’t wait to see what she achieves this year! She is so lovely and supportive to all newbies, always offering help to her Enchanted sisters. It has been a pleasure to pass our knowledge on and watch her make it her own, growing into a very successful Lash Business owner – Kelly xx
To check out more of Marianne’s amazing work or to book a service with her, head to: